I feel like we haven't talked in forever. You've been busy, I've been busy. No one's at fault, but I'll be the bigger person. I'm here to break the silence.
So here it goes: We're moving!! To Ann Arbor!! (Yes, again!)
I hate saying "back to Ann Arbor" because it makes it sound like this is not forward movement. Like we're giving up our city paradise for winter and salted sidewalks and mega-portions of carbs. Don't get me wrong, we've thoroughly enjoyed our time as city folk - fog, jacked up rent and all, but I'm ready for the next thing. And our next thing is not here. We want a house with a yard and a dog and kiddos, sans a crippling, life-altering amount of debt. Plus family and all.
And that's not all that we've been busy with! I sense a photo post coming on...
That sister o' mine came to visit! |
We went wine tasting!! |
And I had tapas with Lisa's torso! |
The bridge was closed so we took a ferry to Alameda |
We spent "Mark day" visiting a distillary |
And touring the USS Hornet |
Then Kevin and I went on a house hunting trip to Ann Arbor
(moral of the story: buying a house is HARD WORK y'all!) |
We celebrated our impending move at Jolly Pumpkin |
We instituted a new Donovan family football mantra |
We learned not everyone on campus is involved in drunken debauchery! |
I found my official work-from-home uniform |
Speaking of work, it's pretty lonely 'round these parts, with my comrades off in Europe |
We celebrated our favorite kiddo Justin's very first birthday! |
I'm running in the
Napa Valley Ragnar this weekend, and I'll probably post about that! I also am planning to do a photo a day for our last week here of things I'll miss about San Francisco. And once we're settled back in Michigan I'll get back to my regularly scheduled programming!