Saturday, February 2, 2013

Houston, I have a problem...

And it's cookbook related.  In the past 3 weeks I've bought this many:

And at this very moment, I have this many food-related books checked out from the library (aka my cookbook ownership feeder system):

That doesn't even take into account the 15 cookbooks I have on hold at the library.  It's possible I've gone a little bit overboard.

I'd like to be the kind of cook that whips together an interesting meal out of whatever is in the fridge/pantry, but in reality I depend on recipes for inspiration and guidance.  Not that I don't tweak them a bit here or there to match our preferences and whatever ingredients I have on hand, but I tend to get stuck in a rut if I don't get a regular dose of external inspiration.

I think that's a big reason why I've been so excited about this vegan experiment.  It's forced me out of my rut of cheesy pasta, fish, dinner out, repeat!  I had a steady repertoire of perhaps 15 meals that I rotated through, and I was starting to dread making the weekly menu because I was becoming underwhelmed by the options floating around in my head.  Somehow by limiting my ingredient options, I've really broadened my culinary horizons.  There's always the risk that a new recipe will flop, but luckily we've just had a couple "no need to try that one again" meals, and I've been trying at least two new dinner recipes a week for the past month.

This coming week will be my first real week with "repeats" or remaking what I assume will become "tried and true" vegan dinners, so I'll be sure to post some of those.  Just like I'll be sure to keep trying new recipes, as long as there are cookbooks at the library.

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